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Jeffco Outdoor Lab School offers full-semester internships to high school and college students during the spring and fall semesters.

Outdoor Lab interns will gain practical experience in teamwork, leadership and communication. They will have the opportunity to master self-stewardship, invest in personal goals and continue to grow their professional skill set. Any college-aged interns must pass a background check and be fingerprinted.

Are you a Jeffco high school student? Learn about Outdoor Lab's program for high school leaders.

Outdoor Lab takes growth and personal development seriously and offers the following benefits to interns:

  • $1,500 stipend
  • 2.5 elective credits if in high school
  • 3 college credits paid for by Outdoor Lab
  • Room and board provided during the workweek

How to Apply

Applications for 2025 are being accepted at this time!

Follow these steps to apply!
  Follow this link to the Career page for Jeffco Public Schools
2.  Click on the "External Applicants" button. 
3. In the search field enter-
"Outdoor Lab"
4. Click on the site in which you would like to appy!

Become an Outdoor Lab Intern TODAY!

Interns standing in front of forest
Interns sitting in small tent
Interns gathering together in meeting
Interns standing in a row holding hands

Contact Us

Garden Marantino, Windy Peak Program Director
Phone: 303-982-9494

Ryan Bazz, Mount Blue Sky Principal
Phone: 303-982-5208

Mt. Blue Sky

Windy Peak